As I stepped on the stage at Dragon Door’s second annual Health & Strength Conference, my mouth was dry. My hands were moist. My heart beat hard against my rib cage. I took the stage to address the hundred or so freaks and geeks of fitness in attendance. My lips parted and I began to speak….
A little background info: I love a crowd. I was born with the natural gift (or curse) of never getting stage fright. I enjoy making a spectacle of myself. So you may ask yourself, why the nerves this time? Good question.
You see, I presented second out of a panel of fifteen esteemed speakers, including Senior PCC Adrienne Harvey, PCC Team Leader Logan Christopher, PCC Instructor Angelo Grinceri and many other giants in their field. As the second speaker, I had the dubious honor of following one of the finest orators I’d ever witnessed in my life: my good friend and celebrated trainer Rolando Garcia III. To say that Mr. Garcia is a tough act to follow would be to dangerously understate the situation.
When it was my turn, I took to the podium and grabbed the mic. The moment was mine for the taking and I went for it, firing off one of the finest performances of my career: How to Coach & Train Your Way To Pull-Up Greatness. I sermonized about all things pull-up related, from the humble hang to the mighty muscle-up, and everything in between, even an urban history lesson on the ancient “gymnasia” of yesteryear and the modern movement known as Street Workout. The crowd went wild. We even had two attendees achieve their very first muscle-ups at the Health & Strength Conference. Hellyeah! No need for me to worry; this is what I do.

Also on the list of presenters was the legendary Olympian and scholar, Dan John. Dan is someone I’ve wanted to meet for many years. Besides his numerous published titles, Dan also wrote the foreword to my #1 Amazon Bestselling book, Strength Rules. It was a privilege to watch the man in in action doing what he does best. No one breaks it down with more humility, integrity and hilarity than Dan John. Minds were blown.

Six-time national powerlifting champion, record setting strength coach and notorious recluse Marty Gallagher left his cave in the hills of rural Pennsylvania for the city streets of Minneapolis to share his wisdom at the Health & Strength Conference. In his trademark no-nonsense form, Marty shocked and awed as he manipulated leverage to increase the payload of suspension training.

Master RKC’s Phil Ross, Andrea Du Cane, Steve “Coach Fury” Holiner, Mike Krivka and Keira Newton each had their turn to educate. Subject matter ranged from operating a successful practice in the fitness industry, to kettlebell training, to assessing the right tools for the job, to matters of mobility. So much information was packed into these two glorious days. The presenter team was rounded out by Jon Bruney and Mike Gillette, two record holding strongmen with bodies forged of iron and hearts of pure gold. They presented about neuro-power and ring training, respectively. This is how you do it!

Naturally, the most special component of the conference was the people in attendance. These strong men and women who made the journey are truly the ones who made it such an unforgettable event. Thanks to all of you for being there, representing strength and knowledge in all their forms. I am stronger, wiser and better prepared for life in this world for having been there with you.
Keep the dream alive,