I’m picking up good vibrations.
After two immensely successful events in Encinitas and Mountain View, CA last year, the Progressive Calisthenics Certification made its return to the Golden State this past weekend. This time, manifest destiny brought us to the county of Los Angeles. I’ve been California dreaming of this for a long time!

The word has spread far and wide, as Paul “Coach” Wade’s infamous masterpiece (and Dragon Door’s #1 all-time best selling title) Convict Conditioning has established quite a following on the Pacific coast. It’s no surprise. The systematic simplicity and results-driven program has made an indelible mark on the entire fitness community.

Learning to train with minimal equipment and no external resistance whatsoever continues to inspire the masses from city coast to coast, and all over the world, to get in the best shape of their lives using nothing but their own bodies, the environment around them and an iron will! Folks came from far and wide to take part. The team of calisthenics avengers who assembled for this epic event was indeed a force to be reckoned with. Human flags flew, push-ups reigned supreme, levers soared in the sky and bridges closed gaps.

One of the greatest components of the Progressive Calisthenics Certification is the people who attend. Whenever you get a team of calisthenics fanatics together, you can always expect inspiration, motivation and participation. It was a privilege for me to be a part of such a special group of athletes and instructors.

As always, emotions ran high at during the Century Test, so-called because it demands 100 perfect reps of the basic calisthenics staples: squats, push-ups, hanging knee raises and pull-ups. This is the when the attendees put it all on the line to prove their mettle! But the truth is that it’s not about the numbers; it’s about the experience. And the experience we beheld together was miraculous.

I’d like to offer my personal congratulations to all the newly certified PCC instructors, as well as my encouragement to get out there, teach, train and spread the word. Remember, the first rule of PCC is, You DO talk about PCC!
As we walk away from an incredible weekend, we can only speculate what the future of PCC holds. Will we see YOU at a PCC certification? With upcoming workshops scheduled in New York City, Holland, Australia and Germany, I certainly hope so. See you there!
Keep the dream alive,
Danny Kavadlo is one of the world’s foremost authorities on calisthenics, nutrition and personal training. He is the author of the Dragon Door titles Strength Rules, Diamond-Cut Abs and Everybody Needs Training. Danny is known for his minimalist philosophy, simple approach and motivational talents.
A true in-person experience, Danny is a Master Instructor for Dragon Door’s Progressive Calisthenics Certification. He has been featured in the NY Times, TRAIN, Men’s Fitness and is a regular contributor to Bodybuilding.com. Learn more about Danny at www.DannyTheTrainer.com