This was one for the record books.
For our fourth foray into the UK, we revisited The Commando Temple in the Deptford section of Southeast London. In many ways, Deptford reminds us of our hometown Brooklyn, New York.
You see, like people, landscapes and neighborhoods change. The first time we visited Deptford, it was rough and sketchy, with only a few businesses and seemingly endless dirty streets. But that was a few years ago.
Now, in 2018, once-abandoned buildings have given way to specialty shops selling artisanal cheeses, craft beer or pricey handmade trinkets. People who used to be scared to visit Deptford (and Brooklyn, for that matter) now flock downtown for street fairs, festivals and fancy espressos. Things change.
That said, there is one venue in this “up-and-coming” neighborhood that kept its underground roots, remaining brutally intense and completely hardcore: The Commando Temple.
“The Temple,” as its members call it, is a sanctuary of positive energy and fearless training. It’s also the perfect home for the Progressive Calisthenics Certification!
Yet as amazing as “The Temple” is, the group of calisthenics freaks in attendance was even more impressive! Bodyweight warriors, yoga practitioners, fitness professionals and street workout enthusiasts from a total of seven countries—even as far as India—showed up to share in the experience, train their hearts out, and learn a thing or two along the way.
It is always a mind-blowing affair to behold, as we explored bodyweight progressions encompassing the most fundamentally basic, to the most extremely advanced. Human flags flew, muscle-ups soared and pistols prevailed as we all drew in from this epic training session.
It should come as no surprise that the Progressive Calisthenics Certification always attracts a group of particularly strong females. This time was no exception!
Whoever said women can’t do pull-ups has never met these ladies!

At the end of each PCC, when the Century testing is finished and the certificates have been handed out, we like to give everyone one more chance to jump on the pull-up bar if there is something they’ve been wanting to give another shot. Inevitably, someone hits a move for the first time that eluded them all weekend. Once again, the PRs continued late into the final day.
Neighborhoods change, things come and go, but experiences like this make people stronger and provide lasting inspiration.
Speaking of changes, this was our final three-day event. The PCC will be switching to a two-day format beginning with our next workshop in Beijing this summer. Two-day events in Austin, NYC and Holland are all on the books as well in the months ahead.
We hope to see you there!