No one ever knew it would go this far. We believed, we hoped, we dreamed. But nothing could have prepared us for the outpouring of passion, dedication and intensity from the global calisthenics community. In fact, when we launched the Progressive Calisthenics Certification just over three years ago, we knew we were providing the first and the best bodyweight training workshop of its kind. We just didn’t know how badly the world wanted it!
Thanks for showing us.
Two weeks ago, when the PCC returned to the Netherlands for the third time, I saw once again how incredibly talented and committed you guys are. It was a life-changing weekend that I’ll never forget!
Amazing feats of strength were performed, numerous PR’s were set and profound mental focus and fortitude were on display. But beyond the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of bodyweight strength training, is the extraordinary community. As discussed in the Kavadlo Brothers’ most recent Dragon Door publication, Street Workout: A Worldwide Anthology of Urban Calisthenics, the coming together of so many cultures and backgrounds from all over our great Earth, may be the most amazing part of the calisthenics movement.
Never before has a physical discipline united so many citizens of the world, from so many corners of our planet, in such a harmonious jubilee of strength, balance and love.

In addition to the native Dutch Masters of Holland, this particular event drew calisthenics fanatics from Sweden, Ireland, the United States, Scotland, Columbia, Germany and even as far as Lebanon! There was also an entire team of self-defense instructors from the Czech Republic. (No surprise there, as our host and PCC Instructor, Martijn Bos, is the world’s #1 ranked Krav Maga practitioner outside of Israel.)
That means that there were attendees from nine countries, spanning four continents. Incredible! Like a bridge over troubled water, calisthenics connected international borders.

The men and women of PCC brought the energy, skill and passion. A celebration of push-ups, pull-ups and pistols was on full display. When so many different people are brought together by the love of calisthenics, something truly spectacular happens. Each individual’s energy is magnified tenfold. The whole group is even greater than the sum of its parts. The written word could never do justice to this collaboration of excellence, as it simply cannot be described. PCC must be experienced to be truly understood.

This was a weekend of sharing, growing and learning from each other. So many different styles, disciplines and skill levels came together. We trained, we sweat and we hugged. There were even a few tears.
It was also a huge deal for me, on a purely personal level, to have connected physically with so many names and faces that I knew from the internet and other social media. To share our stories and our journeys face to face and to train side by side with you guys is my favorite part of PCC.

I’d like to congratulate the newest group of PCC Instructors. Welcome to the family! Spread the word, walk the talk and show the love. The posse’s getting’ bigger.
Keep the dream alive,
Danny Kavadlo is one of the world’s foremost authorities on calisthenics, nutrition and personal training. He is the author of the Dragon Door titles Strength Rules, Diamond-Cut Abs and Everybody Needs Training. Most recently, he co-authored Street Workout with his brother, Al Kavadlo. Danny is known for his minimalist philosophy, simple approach and motivational talents.
A true in-person experience, Danny is a Master Instructor for Dragon Door’s Progressive Calisthenics Certification. He has been featured in the NY Times, TRAIN, Men’s Fitness and is a regular contributor to Learn more about Danny at